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EBSCO (including ASC, BSC, GreenFILE, ERIC, Medline, etc.)

2020-10-13  点击:[]

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Introduction to Database

EBSCO has more than 70 years of history in publishing diversified operations and rapid growth, expanding into manufacturing and other service industries. EBSCO is not only in Asia, but also the world's largest integrated database publisher and journal agent, providing international online ordering. So far, EBSCO is still the pioneer of technology among peers in integrated databases. EBSCO produces and publishes more than 200 integrated journal databases, involving more than 260,000 journals and magazines, and provides information subscription services for more than 50,000 libraries worldwide. Majors involved: science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, heaven, earth, biology, economics and other disciplines. On the basis of the original EBSCO ASP (Academic Source Premier) and BSP (Business Source Premier) two full-text databases, Tianjin University Library Alliance has upgraded and ordered two important full-text databases: Academic Source Complete (ASC)-Academic Reference (Business Studies) Except) Full-text database and Business Source Complete (BSC)-full-text data of business management and finance, and EBSCO research paper writing example platform-Research Starters. In addition, EBSCO also provides ERIC (education), MEDLINE (medicine), Newspaper Source ( Newspaper Full Text Library), Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts (library and information science), GreenFILE (environmental protection), Teacher Reference Center (teacher reference center), European Views of the America 1493 to 1750 (seeing America from Europe), Readers are welcome to use ten libraries such as Regional Business News, American Doctoral Dissertations, EBSCO eClassics e-books, etc.!

Academic Search Complete (ASC) multidisciplinary scholarly literature Daquan

Years included: 1887 to present

Subject category: Diversified academic research fields, including biological sciences, engineering technology, social sciences, psychology, education, law, medicine, linguistics, humanities, information technology, communications, public administration, history, computer science, military , Culture, health and medical care, religion and theology, art, visual communication, performance, philosophy, literature of various countries, etc.

Data content: ASC includes abstracts from more than 16,700 journals; more than 8,500 full-text journals, of which more than 7,300 are peer-reviewed, and more than 800 non-journal full-text publications (such as books, reports and conferences) Papers etc.).

Business Source Complete (BSC) Business Management Finance Academic Literature Collection

Years included: 1886 to present

Subject category: Business economic related topics, such as marketing, management, management information system (MIS), production and operation management (POM), accounting, finance, economics, etc.

Data content: BSC is EBSCO's most complete full-text database of business management and finance. It now includes more than 6,200 journal indexes and abstracts, of which nearly 3,800 full-text journals (more than 1,960 are peer-reviewed); in addition, BSC includes nearly 1,000 Books, monographs, more than 1.1 million corporate background introductions, more than 1,200 national economic reports, more than 8,200 industry reports, more than 10,500 interviews with top managers of world-renowned companies and financial analysts, more than 2,600 market research reports, More than 4,200 SWOT analysis, etc. In addition, BSC also included the following exclusive financial documents:

Bernstein Financial Data Bernstein Financial Data

Morningstar Fund Stock Analysis Publication

American Institute of Accountants Publications

Richard K. Miller & Associates market research report

Business literature resources in non-English speaking countries.

More than 900 case studies (more than 680 full texts)

A special collection of 57 seminar videos by well-known Harvard professors (seminar video)

Click the link to directly access the Harvard video course:

http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=fsv&bquery=(SO+(Harvard+AND+Business+AND+School+AND+Faculty+AND+Seminar+AND+Series)+AND+PZ+ video)&type=6&site=ehost-live

ERIC ( Education)

This database is a national educational bibliographic database provided by the Educational Resources Information Center of the U.S. Department of Education. Contains two kinds of archives: ERIC Documents and Journal Articles related to education. More than 2,200 educational papers include: research and technical reports, meeting minutes, teaching tools, teaching media, teaching plans and methods, master and doctoral theses, etc. The journal literature contains nearly 1,000 educational professional journals. (Go back to 1966)

MEDLINE ( medicine)

The Professional Edition of the National Library of Medicine medical archives contains indexes and abstracts of more than 5,600 journals from 1946 to the present, including Index Medicus, the International Nursing Index and Index to Dental Literature. Provide professional MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) retrieval.

Newspaper Source ( newspaper full-text library)

Contains the full text of nearly 300 various newspapers and media (including state newspapers in the United States, major international newspapers such as Christian Science Monitor, USA Today, The Washington Post, etc.) and abstracts from The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal-Eastern Edition. (Back to 1995) Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts (Library and Information Science) content covers library classification, cataloging, bibliography, online information retrieval, information management and other topics. Through the EBSCOhost platform, the Library Information Science and Technology Database (LISTA) provides an index of more than 700 journals, books, research reports and conference proceedings. The earliest record dates back to 1965. This database is the database with the longest backtracking time and the longest duration in the field of information science.

GreenFILE ( environmental protection)

The content focuses on the research resources of human factors affecting the environment, and proposes measures that should be taken at all levels of individuals, enterprises, regional governments, and even the country to effectively control human influences. Provide interdisciplinary and multi-theme information, reflecting the connection between the environment and agriculture, education, law, health, and technology. More than 612,000 abstracts and more than 9,100 open-access full-text resources. (Go back to 1913)

Teacher Reference Center ( Teacher Reference Center)

Includes index abstracts from more than 280 peer-reviewed journals. Topics cover: evaluation, best practices, contemporary education research, continuing education, curriculum development, basic education, higher education, teaching multimedia, language arts, school management, teacher education, etc. (Go back to 1984)

European Views of the America 1493 to 1750 ( Views of the America from Europe)

In cooperation with the John Carter Brown Library, it provides documents about the United States printed in Europe from 1493 to 1750, including more than 32,000 records. The authoritative bibliography is particularly well-known and has been affirmed by scholars from all over the world. The topics involved are: business, adventure, British in America, Dutch in America, French in America, British colonies, Church of Jesus, piracy, slave trade, etc.

Business News Regional (regional business newspaper)

This database provides a detailed full-text collection of regional commercial publications. Regional Business News covers more than 100 business journals, newspapers and news lines in the United States and Canada. The data is updated daily.

American Doctoral Dissertations ? ( American Doctoral Dissertations Database)

The American doctoral dissertation is an open-access database. With the support of the Wilson Foundation and the Boston Public Library and Archives, it not only covers the American doctoral dissertations 1933-1955 previously published by EBSCO, but also provides selection by American universities Metadata of other papers published. There are more than 172,000 papers collected from 1902 to the present, and nearly 100,000 citations have been added to these papers. The database is updated regularly.

EBSCO eClassics e-book

EBSCO eBooks is proud to launch EBSCO eClassics 25 classic and suitable for young casual reading e-books, all available for free! These world-class books are of course written by well-known authors, such as: Dickens, London, Wells and Melville.

上一条:East View Encyclopedia of Russia 下一条:IDL British Institute of Engineering and Technology IET Full-text Library (formerly IEE)
